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v-rep tutorial : Building a clean model tutorial
At this stage we can start to divide the robot into separate links (remember, we currently have only a single shape for the whole robot). You can do this in two different ways:
在這一階段,可以開始將機器人劃分為單獨的鏈接(目前整個機器人只有一個形狀)。 可以通過兩種不同的方式執行此操作:
1. Automatic mesh division: this function, which was already described in previous section, will inspect the shape and generate a new shape for all elements that are not linked together via a common edge. This does not always work, but is always worth a try. The function can be accessed with [Menu bar --> Edit --> Grouping/merging --> Divide selected shapes].
1.自動網格劃分:此功能已在上一節中進行了描述,它將檢查形狀並為未通過公共邊鏈接在一起的所有元素生成新形狀。 這並不總是有效,但是值得嘗試的。 可以通過[菜單欄->編輯->分組/合併->分割所選形狀]叫出該功能。
2.Manual mesh division: via the the triangle edit mode, you can manually select the triangles than logically belong together, then click Extract shape. This will generate a new shape in the scene. Delete the selected triangles after that operation.
2.手動網格劃分:通過三角形編輯模式,您可以手動選擇不屬於邏輯的三角形,然後點擊“提取形狀”。 這將在場景中生成新形狀。 完成該操作後,刪除選定的三角形。
In the case of our mesh, method 1 worked fine:

[Divided mesh]
Now, we could further refine/simplify individual shapes. Sometimes also, a shape might look better if its convex hull is used instead. Othertimes, you will have to use several of above's described techniques iteratively, in order to obtain the desired result. Take for instance following mesh:
現在,我們可以進一步細化/簡化單個形狀。 有時,如果改用凸殼,形狀可能會看起來更好。 有時,您將不得不反複使用上述幾種技術,以獲得所需的結果。 以以下網格為例:

[Imported mesh]
The problem with above's shape is that we cannot simplify it nicely, because of the holes it contains. where we can extract individual elements that logically belong to the same convex sub-entity. This process can take several iterations: we first extract 3 approximate convex elements. For now, we ignore the triangles that are part of the two holes. While editing a shape in the shape edit mode, it can be convenient to switch the visibility layers, in order to see what is covered by other scene items.
上面形狀的問題是,由於其中包含孔,我們無法很好地簡化它。在這裡我們可以提取邏輯上屬於同一個凸子實體的單個元素。此過程可能需要進行多次迭代:我們首先提取3個近似凸元素。 現在,我們忽略作為兩個孔的一部分的三角形。 在形狀編輯模式下編輯形狀時,可以方便地切換可見性圖層,以查看其他場景項所覆蓋的內容。

Now we can erase the triangles that are part of the holes. Finally, we extract the convex hull individually for the 3 shapes, then merge them back together with [Menu bar --> Edit --> Grouping/Merging --> merge selected shapes]:
現在我們可以除作為孔的一部分的三角形。 最後,我們分別提取3種形狀的凸包,然後將其與[菜單欄->編輯->分組/合併->合併所選形狀]合併在一起:

We can enable/disable edge display for each shape. We can also specify an angle that will be taken into account for the edge display.Those parameters, and a few others such as the shape color, can be adjusted in the shape properties. In this tutorial we have only dealt with simple shapes up to now: a simple shape has a single set of visual attributes (i.e. one color, one shading angle, etc.). If you merge two shapes, then the result will be a simple shape.
In next step, we can merge elements that logically belong together. Then we change the visual attributes of the various elements.Then, we select all the shapes that have the same visual attributes, then control-select the shape that was already adjusted

Now we can group the shapes that are part of the same link with [Menu bar --> Edit --> Grouping/merging -> Group selected shapes]. We end up with 7 shapes: the base of the robot (or base of the robot's hierarchy tree), and 6 mobile links.

When a shape is created or modified, CoppeliaSim will automatically set its reference frame position and orientation. A shape's reference frame will always be positioned at the shape's geometric center. The frame orientation will be selected so that the shape's bounding box remains as small as possible.
創建或修改形狀時,CoppeliaSim將自動設置其參考框架的位置和方向。 形狀的參考框架將始終位於形狀的幾何中心。 將選擇框架方向,以便形狀的邊界框保持盡可能小。
We rename the new shape (with a double-click on its name in the scene hierarchy) as robot_dyn, assign it to visibility layer 9, then copy it to the original scene.
The rest of the links will be modelled as convex shapes, or compound convex shapes.
We now select the first mobile link (i.e. object robot_link1) and generate a convex shape from it with [Menu bar --> Add --> Convex hull of selection].
We rename it to robot_link_dyn1 and assign it to visibility layer 9.
When extracting the convex hull doesn't retain enough details of the original shape, then you could still manually extract several convex hulls from its composing elements, then group all the convex hulls with [Menu bar --> Edit --> Grouping/Merging --> Group selected shapes].
If that appears to be problematic or time consuming, then you can automatically extract a convex decomposed shape with [Menu bar --> Add --> Convex decomposition of selection...]:
[Original shape, and convex shape pendant]

[Original shape, and convex decomposed shape pendant]
We now repeat the same procedure for all remaining robot links. Once that is done, we attach each visible shape to its corresponding invisible dynamic pendant. We do this by selecting first the visible shape, then via control-click selecting its dynamic pendant then [Menu bar --> Edit --> Make last selected object parent]. The same result can be achieved by dragging the visible shape onto its dynamic pendant in the scene hierarchy:

[Visible shapes attached to their dynamic pendants]
We still need to take care of a few things: first, since we want the dynamic shapes only visible to the physics engine, but not to the other calculation modules, we uncheck all object special properties for the dynamic shapes, in the object common properties.
Then, we still have to configure the dynamic shapes as dynamic and respondable. We do this in the shape dynamics properties. Select first the base dynamic shape (i.e. robot_dyn), then check the Body is respondable item. Enable the first 4 Local respondable mask flags, and disable the last 4 Local respondable mask flags: it is important for consecutive respondable links not to collide with each other. For the first mobile dynamic link in our robot (i.e. robot_link_dyn1), we also enable the Body is respondable item, but this time we disable the first 4 Local respondable mask flags, and enable the last 4 Local respondable mask flags. We repeat the above procedure with all other dynamic links, while always alternating the Local respondable mask flags: once the model will be defined, consecutive dynamic shapes of the robot will not generate any collision response when interacting with each other. Try to always end up with a construction where the dynamic base of the robot, and the dynamic last link of the robot have only the first 4 Local respondable mask flags enabled, so that we can attach the robot to a mobile platform, or attach a gripper to the last dynamic link of the robot without dynamic collision interferences.
然後,我們仍然必須將動態形狀配置為動態且可響應的。我們在形狀動力學屬性中執行此操作。首先選擇基本動態形狀(即robot_dyn),然後檢查“主體是可響應的”項。啟用前四個“本地可響應掩碼”標誌,並禁用後四個“本地可響應掩碼”標誌:對於連續的可響應鏈接不要彼此衝突非常重要。對於我們機器人中的第一個移動動態鏈接(即robot_link_dyn1),我們還啟用了“身體可響應”項,但是這次我們禁用了前4個“本地可響應掩碼”標誌,並啟用了後4個“本地可響應掩碼”標誌。我們對所有其他動態鏈接重複上述過程,同時始終交替使用Local Responsible Mask標誌:一旦定義了模型,則連續的機器人動態形狀在彼此交互時不會產生任何碰撞響應。嘗試始終以這樣一種構造結束:機器人的動態基礎和機器人的動態最後一個鏈接僅啟用了前4個“本地可響應掩碼”標誌,以便我們可以將機器人附加到移動平台,或附加一個抓取器連接到機器人的最後一個動態鏈接,而沒有動態碰撞干擾。
Finally, we still need to tag our dynamic shapes as Body is dynamic. We do this also in the shape dynamics properties. We can then enter the mass and inertia tensor properties manually, or have those values automatically computed (recommended) by clicking Compute mass & inertia properties for selected convex shapes. Remember also this and that dynamic design considerations. This dynamic base of the robot is a special case: most of the time we want the base of the robot (i.e. robot_dyn) to be non-dynamic (i.e. static), otherwise, if used alone, the robot might fall during movement. But as soon as we attach the base of the robot to a mobile platform, we want the base to become dynamic (i.e. non-static). We do this by enabling the Set to dynamic if gets parent item, then disabling the Body is dynamic item. Now run the simulation: all dynamic shapes, except for the base of the robot, should fall. That attached visual shapes will follow their dynamic pendants.
In this tutorial, we will teach you how to create simple objects in the environment. The first step will be to create a ball which will interact with the environment. We will tackle several concepts related to the nodes: what is their meaning, how to create them, how they have to be affiliated, etc. Moreover we will see how to set up physics.
Several kinds of nodes will be introduced. Their detailed definition can be found in Reference Manual. Having the nodes chart diagram in front of you, will also help understanding the nodes inheritance relationship.
A New Simulation(新的模擬)
Make sure the my_first_simulation.wbt world file is open, and that the simulation is paused and is at a virtual time of 0. Using the File / Save World As... menu, save the simulation as obstacles.wbt.
確定tutorial 1中的my_first_simulation.wbt已經開啟了,並且模擬已暫停且處於時間=0,使用File / Save World As...選項,將模擬另存為obstacles.wbt。
Modifying the Floor(修改地板)
The default RectangleArena PROTO defines a simple floor pinned on the static environment, i.e. without Physics node, and surrounded by walls. Other pre-built floors are available in the Webots objects library. We will now delete the RectangleArena node and add a simple floor that we will manually surround with walls later in this tutorial.
To remove the RectangleArena, select it either in the 3D view or in the scene tree view with a left click and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right click on it in the 3D view and select Delete in the context menu (you can also use the context menu directly in the scene tree view). Select the TexturedBackroundLight node and click on the Add button. In the open dialog box, and choose PROTO nodes (Webots Projects) / objects / floors / Floor (Solid).
要刪除RectangleArena,請在3D視圖或場景樹視窗中單擊鼠鍵左鍵,然後按Delete鍵盤。或者,您可以在3D視圖中右鍵單擊它,然後在上下選單中選擇delete(也可以直接在場景樹視圖中使用上下選單)。選擇TexturedBackroundLight節點,然後在打開的視窗中單擊Add按鈕。然後選擇PROTO nodes (Webots Projects) / objects / floors / Floor (Solid)。
The newly added Floor PROTO has a default size of 10mx10m, but it is possible to adjust its size, its position and texture by changing the corresponding fields.
In the scene tree view select and expand the Floor. Modify the size field and set it to {1, 1} to resize it to 1mx1m.
在場景樹視圖中,選擇並展開Floor。修改size字段並將其設置為{1, 1}也就是其大小調整為1mx1m。
The Solid Node(實體節點)
his subsection introduces the most important base node in Webots: the Solid node, from which many other nodes derive.
A Solid node represents a rigid body, that is a body in which deformation can be neglected. The distance between any two given points of a rigid body remains constant in time regardless of external forces exerted on it. For example a table, a robot finger phalanx or a wheel are rigid bodies. Soft bodies and articulated objects are not rigid bodies. For example, a rope, a tire, a sponge or an articulated robot arm are not rigid bodies. However, an articulated entity can be broken into several rigid bodies.
The physics engine of Webots is designed for simulating rigid bodies only. An important step, when designing a simulation, is to break up the various entities into separate rigid bodies.
To define a rigid body, you will have to create a Solid node. Inside this node you will set up different sub-nodes corresponding to the characteristics of the rigid body. The following figure depicts a rigid body and its sub-nodes. The graphical representation of the Solid node is defined by the Shape nodes populating its children list. The collision bounds are defined in its boundingObject field. The graphical representation and the collision shape are often but not necessarily identical. Finally, the physics field defines if the object belongs to the dynamical or to the static environment. All these sub-nodes are optional, but the physics field needs the boundingObject to be defined.

Create a Ball(創建一個球)
We will now add a ball to the simulation. That ball will be modeled as a rigid body as shown in this figure. A Sphere node will be used to define the geometry of our ball.
In the scene tree view, select the last node and press the Add button. In the dialog, open the Bases nodes section and select the Solid node. In the scene tree view, expand the Solid node and select its children field. Add a Shape node to it by using the Add button. Select the appearance field of the Shape node and use the Add button to add a PBRAppearance node.
1.Add a Sphere node as the geometry field of the newly created Shape node.
2.Expand the PBRAppearance node and change its metalness field to 0 and its roughness field to 1.
3.Add another Sphere node to the boundingObject field of the Solid.
4.Finally add a Physics node to the physics field of the Solid.
5.By modifying the translation field of the Solid node, place the ball in front of the robot (at {0, 0.2, -0.2} for example).
6.Save the simulation.
7.The result is depicted in this figure.
在場景樹視窗中,選擇最後一個節點,然後按Add按鈕。在視窗框中,打開該Bases nodes部分,然後選擇“ solid”節點。在場景樹視圖中,展開“ solid”節點並選擇其children字段。使用按鈕向其添加一個Shape節點Add。選擇“ shape”節點的appearance字段,然後使用按鈕添加一個節點。AddPBRAppearance
5.通過修改實體節點的translation字段,將球放在機器人的前面(例如){0, 0.2, -0.2}

When the simulation is started, the ball hits the floor. You can move the ball by applying a force to it (Ctrl + Alt + left-click + drag). The contact points between the ball and the floor can be displayed as cyan lines by enabling the View / Optional Rendering / Show Contact Points menu item.
當模擬開始時,球掉落到地板後。您可以通過向球施加力來移動球(Ctrl + Alt +左鍵單擊+拖動)。通過啟用View / Optional Rendering / Show Contact Points選單,可以將球和地板之間的接觸點顯示為藍線。
To define the ball, we used the Sphere node in two different contexts: for the graphical representation (children) and to define the physical bounds (boundingObject). All Geometry nodes (such as the Sphere node) can be used in a graphical context. However, only a subset of them can be used in a physical context. The nodes chart diagram indicates which nodes are supported in each context.
We are now going to reduce the size of the Sphere and increase its graphical quality by increasing the number of triangles used to represent it.
For each Sphere node defining the ball, set its radius field to 0.05 and its subdivision field to 2.
DEF-USE Mechanism(定義使用的機制)
The DEF-USE mechanism allows to define a node in one place and to reuse that definition elsewhere in the scene tree. This is useful to avoid the duplication of identical nodes in world files. Moreover, it also allows users to modify several objects at the same time. Here is how it works: first a node is labeled with a DEF string. Then copies of this node can be reused elsewhere with the USE keyword. Only the fields of the DEF node can be edited, the fields of the USE inherit from the DEF node and cannot be changed. This mechanism is dependent on the order of the nodes in the world file. A DEF node should be defined before any corresponding USE node.
The two Sphere definitions that we have used earlier to define the ball, are redundant. We will now merge these two Spheres into only once using the DEF-USE mechanism.
Select the first Sphere node (the child of the Shape) in the scene tree view. The field editor of the scene tree view allows you to enter the DEF string.
1.Enter BALL_GEOMETRY in this field.
2.Select the boundingObject field (containing the second Sphere node), and empty it by right clicking the field in the scene tree and choosing the Delete entry in the context menu that pops up.
3.Then, select the boundingObject field and click on the Add button, and select the USE / BALL_GEOMETRY in the dialog box.
4.The result is shown in this figure.
然後,選擇boundingObject字段並單擊Add按鈕,然後USE / BALL_GEOMETRY在視窗中選擇。
Now, changing the radius field of the first Sphere node also modifies its boundingObject.
For convenience, the boundingObject field accepts also the Shape node (rather than the Sphere node directly). It would be also possible to use the same DEF-USE mechanism at the Shape level as shown in this figure. For now the greatest benefit is being able to also use this Shape directly for graphical purposes. Later this mechanism will turn out to be very useful for some sensors.


Create a second ball with the same parameters but using the Shape node (rather than the Sphere node directly) for the DEF-USE mechanism.
用DEF-USE機制創建第二個球,相同的參數,但使用 原本的Shape節點(而不是直接創建Sphere節點)。
Add Walls
In order to verify your progression, implement by yourself four walls to surround the environment. The walls have to be defined statically to the environment. To understand the difference between static and dynamic, let's take a defined object (the ball) above the ground. If the Physics node is NULL, it will remain frozen in the air during the simulation (static case). If the physics field contains a Physics nodes, it will fall under the effect of gravity (dynamic case).
Use as much as possible the DEF-USE mechanism at the Shape level rather than at the Geometry level. Indeed it's more convenient to add an intermediate Shape node in the boundingObject field of the Solid node. The best Geometry primitive to implement the walls is the Box node. Only one Shape has to be defined for all the walls. The expected result is shown in this figure.
Add four walls without physics and using only one definition of the Shape node.
為了驗證您的進度,請自己創建四堵牆以包圍地板。必需根據環境定義牆壁。要了解靜態和動態之間的區別,我們將定義的物體(球)放在地面上方。如果“ physics”節點為NULL,則在仿真過程中它將靜態。如果該physics字段包含“ physics”節點,則它將屬於動態。
添加四面牆,而不添加新的節點,而是使用之前的Shape節點定義,也就是def use機制。

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